Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Homework - Got the Shakes crossword puzzle.

Here is a copy of the study guide for the test on earthquakes. It does not contain the pictures or the chart. They can be found in the book:

Earthquakes Study Guide

Name _______________________________________________

____ 1. When rock is _ elastically deformed, energy builds up in it. Seismic waves occur as
this energy is released.

____ 2. The strongest earthquakes usually occur near convergent boundaries.

____ 3. If an earthquake begins while you are in a building, the safest thing to do first is get under the strongest table, chair, or other piece of furniture.

____ 4. Studying earthquake waves currently allows seismologists to:
determine when an earthquake started.
learn about the Earth's interior.
determine where an earthquake started.

____ 5. Elastic rebound causes the ground to move during an earthquake.

____ 6. Most earthquakes occur along or near the edges of the Earth's tectonic plates.

____ 7. Convergent motion occurs where two tectonic plates push together.

____ 8. Divergent motion occurs where two tectonic plates pull away from each other.

____ 9. Shallow, moderate earthquakes are produced along strike-slip faults.

____ 10. Strong, deep earthquakes are produced along reverse faults.

____ 11. Weak, shallow earthquakes are produced along normal faults.

Examine the illustration below, and answer the questions
that follow.

(this picture is on pg. 125, figure 6)
____ 12. Which type of seismic wave is illustrated above? a surface wave

Examine the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.
(tis picture is in your notebook.)

____ 13.Which point in the illustration represents the epicenter of the earthquake? point B

____ 14.Which point in the illustration represents the focus of the earthquake? point D

____ 15.The Richter scale is used to measure the strength of an earthquake.

____ 16.The West Coast of the United States has the highest earthquake hazard level.

____ 17. A(n) active tendon system is a weight placed in the roof of a building that moves to counteract the building's movement during an earthquake.

____ 18. Flexible pipes help prevent water and gas lines from breaking during an earthquake.

Examine the table below, and answer the questions that follow.

(this table is on pg. 130, figure 11)

____ 19. Look at the trends of earthquakes in the table above. Generally, based on observations of worldwide earthquakes since 1900, with each step down in earthquake magnitude, the number of earthquakes per year is about

____ 20. In January of 2001, Kutch, in the Indian state of Gujarat, was the epicenter of a 30-second earthquake that registered 6.9 on the Richter scale. Using the table above, this earthquake would be described as

____ 21. According to the table, earthquakes that register between 6.0 and 6.9 on the Richter scale occur approximately ____ times a year worldwide.

____ 22. In June 1994, an earthquake in Northern Bolivia that measured 8.2 on the Richter scale was felt all the way from South America to Canada. According to the table, what type of damage near the epicenter would have occurred with an earthquake of this intensity?

____ 23. How often does an earthquake measuring 8.2 on the Richter scale, such as the one in Bolivia in 1994, occur worldwide?

24. Energy is released as elastic rebound occurs.

25. The instrument used to record earthquake waves is a seismograph.

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